Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Just Human

In this life we all will make decisions that we may not be proud of, that may lead us down a long horrible path, but at the end of it all, you will get to where you need to be.
You made a decision, you put one foot forward and kept moving. Did what you had to do, to other people that decision is wrong, but for you it may be right.

We can't change our past, words that have been said, can't fix things that are broken, but you can hold your head high and look towards the light at the end of the tunnel. Everyone has a skeleton or two in their closet, no one's past is perfect, no one should be the first to judge.
There are days when the silver lining is barely silver and you have to look extra hard to see what good may come out of today. Then you have those days that the light at the end of the tunnel was filled with pain, but you made it at least.

I have tried for so long to please other people, to be what someone else wanted or to fit in the box. What ended up happening was that I couldn't live that way, I let go of life and all maturity and ran from certain responsibilities. I made decisions that I have to live with.. I live with them, I'm the one that wakes up everyday and faces my own worst enemy.. Myself.
At the end of each day I need to answer to God for everything that I may have done wrong - or right!

I'm not perfect far from it, nor do I wish to be perfect. With every mistake, failure, success, and goal I reach, I become a better person.
Most of our choices we make in life create a butterfly effect but at the end of the day these choices effect only you more than anyone else.

I finally enjoy life for what it is. Its a painful, beautiful experience and only I can stop myself. I am the only person that will make me fail.
So I'm not the person that some people wanted me to be, I didn't do something right, I made a mistake or wrong choice.
I'm the person I want to be. I didn't do something right, I made a mistake, and a wrong choice! You know what - it feels great, I'm human.
I did something right in my life, I made a right choice, I took a right path. I did things that you may not have seen, but at the end of my day God knows what I have done.

I cried because I ended up in places for wrong choices I made in my life, I also have cried because someone else made a choice that hurt me. We all have been in this position.
What makes a person differ from another?

Personally, nothing really. We all feel, we all make mistakes, we all fall, we all have success.

Life is what we make it, at times its hard to move on from pain, especially when its a tremendous pain, but we can't be bitter.
At the end of this tunnel there is a light, granted the tunnel may be filled with pain, anger, hate, but there is a light.
It took me a while to realize that, to realize that the more bitter I am towards life and other people - the more I will fail.
Its up to me to make today great. It's up to me to give that person a fighting chance and to stop judging. It's up to me to not be so bitter towards life.

I can't answer for every wrong I have done in my life, apart is glad for that because I have made some stupid choices. But man, some of those stupid choices put a big smile on my face at that time.
I don't fit into every one's box, I barely fit in with my family!
But I'm happy with who I am, I can hold my head high and say - with or with out you being behind me I will do everything that I want. I will succeed.

I'm my greatest obstacle.

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