Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Random Thoughts For The Day

This life is crazy, amazing, filled with sorrow and happiness. At the end of the day life is what we make of it.

We all have made mistakes, some mistakes may seem unforgivable, some you may not even be able to excuse, but in the end we all make mistakes. The hardest thing about life is trying to figure out where you stand, especially when it is on your own two feet. People always try to knock you down, say things that they know bother you, but as long as you know in your heart who you truly are you can over come any obstacle. But is that totally true?

Some people say you never have to prove yourself to anyone but yourself. But when we mess up or hurt someone either knowingly or unknowingly - we are stuck proving ourselves. We need to prove that we are worth something, and we will jump over any obstacle to prove to them that we are sincere. But in the end where does that get us? Are we being ourselves or trying to live up to someone else's standards?
Everyone has their own life experiences, we may not be the picture of perfection but who can define perfect?

I have made many mistakes, some of them changed my life forever. I admits my mistakes and I take the road that I have made myself. I may not be as mature as people say I should be. But honestly, who can define how mature you should be for your age? Everyone is mature to an extent, but how can we sit and say act your age. Its okay to be a child at heart. Its okay to fail - but you need to try again. I have alot to learn in this life, but so does everyone else. That's one amazing thing about life, is that there is so much that each of us need to learn. If its from book smarts to street smarts we all have our share that we need to figure out.

We judge everyone we meet, we cast the first stone, is the right? In the bible it states " He without sin cast thy first stone..". How many times have each of us done it? But when it happens to you, how do you feel?
It's not our place to judge each other, we are suppose to give each other a chance to prevail - to succeed - to become something or someone.

At the end of the day, I accept myself for who I am. With all my flaws, with every mistake, with everything that may be beautiful to someone. Just live life - some people may not agree with that, but in reality we can not plan everything. Love the life we have, even if there is sorrow. Take chances, even if we fail. As long as you never fail yourself.

I'm who I am today with all my mistakes, with all my flaws, with all the right have done some where along the way. I'm this person because of what I have done.
Only time can tell, if someone really changes, if they are really sincere.. If they say who they are, is who they truly are. Never close the door all the way. Everyone deserves that.

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